Wednesday, July 10, 2013

I Hate That He Peed On Me

What a day I had!  I got up early to do my Insanity work out – about time since I took a break to go to Mississippi.  Thank goodness the weather was a little cooler.  As I worked out with my sister her two beautiful babies did everything to distract us – to the point of climbing on us as we did our Insanity Abs.  If you thought Insanity was hard add two toddlers to the picture – increase the insanity one hundred fold. 

After a nice shower and breakfast I headed out with my sister and her kids to meet my kid sister and her two beautiful toddlers (my siblings produced some gorgeous offspring!)  We were going to go to this place in Roseville called Bounce-U but we left a little late (my niece is the accessory queen and wanted to run every single one by mom before she could leave…and I wanted to eat before I met up with them).  So we changed focus and went to a place called The Fountains (this was not here ten years ago). 

The Fountains is this outdoor high end shopping center with stores like Charming Charlie and Whole Foods.  There happened to be a farmers’ market outside and who doesn’t love a good farmers’ market?  It looked bigger from the street than it actually was, but still cute.  We stumbled across this humus maker.  Oh goodness!  There humus was amazing!  The owner was speaking French to another customer (how sweet did those sounds cross my ears!!)  And to my astonishment I understood their rapid French.  I haven’t spoken it in over five years, so I was really proud of myself. 

The owner was from Kenai (that’s in Africa in case you did not know) which also explains why his humus was so good.  I once had homemade humus from a Lebanese friend and it was so good I use it to compare humus now.  We bought four different kinds of humus – partly because it was good and we got a deal, but also because the owner was so friendly. 

We strolled around and found some great fruit stands.  Ariel has fruit literally growing on trees in her yard and of course her kids only wanted what they have on their property, so no fruit for us (except the blackberries which were great).  We almost bought blueberries from this one stand but I am glad we decided not to.  If you ever wonder what bad customer service does to your business, try it, we leave (especially when your competition is only two feet away). 

Content with our purchases we went to the play area for the kids.  Complete with water to play in and a play structure (note things that were not available when I was a kid) it was the perfect place to await my kid sister and her family.  Ariel and I sat on the bench in the sun watching the kids.  Those benches were so hot they burned through my jeans in two minutes – no joke. We stood standing. 

As the kids played I talked to Robert.  He was struggling with the military messing his orders up, among other things.  So, I shot up my best weapon – prayer.  See I am a highly favored daughter of the most high God.  The God of angel armies is a friend of mine.  As such, I can come boldly into his presence and present my request to him.  So I did.  I asked him if he could resolve the problem for Robert – and he did!!!  My God comes through! 

My kid sis joins us about twenty minutes later (she did take her kids to Bounce-U).  She is so beautiful and chic you would not think she had two babies.  The kids play while we wait for a train for the kids to ride on (things at malls that were not there when I was kid).  My baby niece gets her hand stuck in the grate and I got to be the hero and get it out!  Yay for being a good auntie!  The kids are sufficiently soaked by the time the train is ready for us, so we proceed to get aboard. 

We cram four adults and four kids into the caboose of this tiny kids train.  The conductor laughed as she closed our door saying she had never seen so many people in one car before.  Leave it to us Blacks to astonish her.  On our first trip around on this train I realize that this shopping center looks like something in Calabasas (where the Kardashians live for a point of reference).  But it I on my second trip around I realize a disheartening reality.  One of these kids just peed.  They are all wet from the water however so I can’t tell which.  That is until we get out of the caboose.  My nephew (the one who was sitting on my lap) gets up and the smell is an affront to my nostrils and the reality sinks in – this kid just peed on me.  Nothing to be done, I don’t care a change of clothes.  So we head to lunch smelling like urine (thank the Lord I did not run into anyone I know)!

During all this commotion I am contacted to schedule my Skype interview with the company in Utah (yay for an interview).  We plan on doing a test run that afternoon and I have some paper work to get to them before the interview set for 7:30 am my time.  With a change in my plans for the day we head home to good old YC. 

When I get back I head home to prep for the test run.  At 3:30 I am set to do the test run and have filled out the application half a dozen times because stupid Windows 8 doesn't operate correctly and wants to clear the entire form and not let you save.  So annoying!!!  I get the call from Utah and we spend an hour trying to figure out how to make it work (let me tell you it had nothing to do with my account and everything to do with their secure network).  Thank God my mom came in at just that moment and she is the tech queen so she helped a lot!

We table till tomorrow at 7:30 hoping their tech guys can figure it out.  My mom then asks me about Robert.  Because she reads my blog I know she knows most things, so it was hard for her to ask me questions and hard for me to know what I else I should say.  I say most things here.  I then finish the application and get it printed and scanned and e-mailed to Utah.

My mom has made teriyaki chicken (I love that she cooks now, she didn’t growing up).  My dad headed to Utah for a meeting so we ate together.  She and I then played a hand of Canasta (which I have a vague memory of playing when I was kid but she had to reteach me).  It was a nice time.  I really enjoyed it.  Then back to work.  I still had to prep for the interview in the morning and there were still more job applications to do. 

Robert got Skype finally and we got to video chat (yay for technology!)  We talk about the day and the problems we encountered and the solutions we saw.  We talk about the future and Maryland – what that will look like for us…still don’t fully know.  We talk about relationship titles (we decide I can use beau or boyfriend – though I think he is partial to boyfriend). 

It is so strange dating technology.  But I can’t complain that he will be stationed in the area I have wanted to be for over a decade.  Hopefully I get a job offer in DC (fingers crossed for Library of Congress!!!!)  Praying for some resolution in my life.  Grant me the desires of my heart, Lord, and send me to DC please.  

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