Saturday, July 13, 2013

Equally Yoked

I woke up to a very interesting text: “Sorry, hun, I was dead to the world.  Can I add you to that list?” and an inconsistency on Facebook.  Additionally, if you know me you know I have a perfectionist thing going on and don’t like inaccuracy so I try to fix it immediately.  You also know that in my attempt to do so I sometimes come across curt (never my intention which you also know if you spend any amount of time with me).  Needless to say, Robert did not read my response of “No.  Please fix this” as a good morning.  

I succeeded at upsetting him before 7 am (did not even know that was possible).  After my work out we got some video time with him and cleared it up.  He meant to say he would like me to visit, he was responding to a question I asked about sending him a package.  And he really hates social media, so he didn’t take it as seriously as me.  Problem solved. 

I then did more job applications and deep cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen.  At about one a man in his sixties, smiling a crookedly sweet smile, came to my door and asked to get into the main house to take care of some bugs.  Apparently, he has been taking care of the property the past three years and my parents were out in town. He went through my apartment and, after he realized I was significantly older than the 20 years he had thought, started commenting on how clean my apartment was and how nice it was to go somewhere clean.  No bugs! (Amazing what cleanliness can prevent!)

I then went out to run some errands with Ariel.  We went into town and discovered a new market: New Earth.  The best way I can describe this place is Trader Joe's meets Whole Foods.  I found something to send to Robert (its coming in the mail sometime next week) and discovered the wonderful world of gelato has finally hit Yuba City.  

After feeding the kids we go with her husband’s ex-wife’s mom to play Bingo at the senior citizen center.  I think I am everyone’s good luck charm.  I had never played before.  Apparently there are like twenty different ways to play Bingo and we played them all…I am pretty sure.  But at least my sister won!  Yay!!! 

Then we headed over to this yogurt place, Janyo, and joined my kid brother and my parents.  We talked about everything from Paula Dean to a man who can keep four symphonies in his head at the same time starting at different places and be accurate with a performance.  I then got gas in the car and headed home to what I thought was going to be bed but was mistaken. 

Robert called me (yay for voice time) but we quickly found ourselves contemplating some important realities.  First topic on the docket:  Why are curse words bad?  I think they are degrading and don’t edify even when they are not.  I think there are many other words that came better convey what you are trying to express.  He believes that is a construct of society that they are bad, that they are just words and nothing more.  

This made me go straight to the scriptures.  Words can build you up or tear you down.  Out of the heart the mouth speaks.  Words can bring life or death.  Well, this may have been the first time I realized how important it is to have the same morale understanding because he could not see it.  So, I am now embarking on a research project of the development such four letters words into being bad words.  Any help is appreciated. 

We then got into a topic of faith, my faith, and why I believe what I believe. We discussed a lot of apologetics (I need to freshen up on that, but I think that late in the night I did pretty good).  We talked about the corruption of people then and now, how victors write history, why did some things get canonized and other not?  I don’t have the answers, but I know how to get them.  I am going to send him The Case for Christ (written by an atheist journalist looking to prove Christianity wrong).  A good read for Christians and non-Christians alike.  We discussed this till three in the morning.  Not something I usually do but I think that this was something important enough.  

It was at this point that I realized why scripture says you should avoid getting married, but if you do you should be equally yoked.  I do not know what will happen with this, but I do know that this is going to be a much bigger deal than I thought that he is not a Christian.  I appreciate his support in my faith, it means a lot to me, but it is hard to relate on a lot of things because how I see the world is so colored by my faith and it does not color his life.  It really does make me sad that he doesn’t believe because it is so important to me.  It is not just my religion; it is my being, my all.  I see everything through the lenses of my relationship with Christ.  So, it is hard that he doesn’t see that too.  Praying for a resolution and that we figure this out.  

I know you read this, and I know this isn’t news to you.  Thank you for talking to me about my faith and questioning me about it.  I appreciate it. 

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